Monday, June 29, 2009


The title of this post reminds me of an excellent Kate Nash song.

As I've pretty thoroughly documented, my views about the universe have drastically altered. This is no an understatement. It's as if my life is a house. I undertook a renovation, building on the foundation and expanding a few things, only to make the horrifying (and costly) discovery that the foundation was bad. The whole house had to come down and a new one built in its place. I'm still under construction and will be for quite some time.

I'm desperately behind on reading (as is always the case), but hope to catch up soon. I'm keeping one whole day wide open this 3 day weekend. It's going to be quite lovely.

Since it's the middle of the year it's time to set my goals for the remainder of 2009.

Personal Goals:
Read More
Cook More
Bake More

Fitness Goals:
Run a 4-miler (or 5K)
Continue exercising 3 times a week
Eat less meat

Financial Goals:
Save 10% of my income
Eliminate the remainder of my debt (CC and Student Loans)

Travel Goals:
Grand Junction
New York City


Pomoprophet said...

Have you ever seen the movie "Life as a house"? Its a great one. And fits well with your metaphor.

Alec said...

I need to read more too. I love to do it, I just get caught up with other stuff. And I always use the excuse "I'll just read a lot tomorrow" and that never happens. I just read Pride and Prejudice and loved it!

freelancer said...

Pomo, I've not seen it. I will add it to my Netflix, though I'm terrible at actually watching the DVDs once they come in.

Sweeney, I'm more of a Wuthering Heights guy! Something about those moors...