Thursday, March 26, 2009


I finally finished BSG. It was brilliant. I love the score.

Today I was annoyed at work. I was learning something new and had a hard time focusing. Learning curves are not my favorite. It's all good though. I hate complaining about work, especially since I really like my job. Also, I feel a bit whiny complaining about my job when so many other people are unemployed.

A reporter from the NY Times called me. Unfortunately my story is obscenely boring and I will not be in the paper.

I'm going to Washington (the state). I'm quite excited as I've never been there. I even get a day to explore Seattle!

This is once again a silly post. Soon I may start posting pictures of my pets.

1 comment:

Ophir said...

Ooh... what was the NY Times calling about?

Have fun in Washington and the Emerald City (why do they call it that? Maybe because in Seattle, you know you're not in Kansas anymore.)