Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, I'm back from my brief vacation. I will be in town for two more weeks before taking a rather exciting trip for work. While away I got a call from a coworker and it appears we are going to be safe from job cuts. It's still sad that others may lose their jobs. Time will tell.

I've pretty much concluded that my Grandparents are some of the coolest people on the planet. The dynamics of our relationship have changed which is good. I appreciate them more now. They're not just the people that give me treats when I visit and send birthday money. We had some very candid conversations about many taboo topics: money and religion primarily. They have some interesting things to say.

I have firmly decided that Houston is not in the running for a future home. It's too hot and too sprawling. Plus, everything appears faded by the sun. It's as if it burns the very essence out of things. All that is left is a faded shell. I don't want that to happen to me.

I've been mulling some things over and should start posting things more substantial than the self-absorbed posts of late. Of course, this is my blog and I'm allowed to be as self-centered as I want.


Oh yeah, I am now a fan of Lisa Hannigan (thanks Stephen Colbert) and IKEA. Just FYI.

1 comment:

Ophir said...

Welcome Back!

I've never been to Houston but I've heard other people make similar comments about it. It's known for being a very car-centered place, and such cities often lose their soul. Of course, Los Angeles is usually the poster-city for sprawl and automible-dependence but I have a deep affection for it. That, however, might have more to do with nostalgia than anything else.

Looking forward to reading your substantial mullings. Of course, you have the right to be as insubstantial as you want ;-).