Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blog Reader Bill of Rights

As I work to limit my posting to 4 times a month (I doubt this will really be happening) I feel compelled to issue a Bill of Rights for all of my readers so they know where they stand under this new format.

Blog Reader Bill of Rights:

Readers will not watch this blog degrade into an outlet for me to channel all of my middle class white boy anxiety.

Readers will not have to offer me validation by leaving comments.

Readers will always be allowed a glimpse into my genius/madness.

Readers will be allowed to correct any grievous grammar or spelling mistakes, as long as it is done in an unpretentious manner.

Blog Reader Expectations:

Readers will be expected to understand all allusions and pop culture references I make, even if this requires you to spend time on YouTube and Wikipedia.

Readers will think, reason, question, and pray.

Readers will understand that I do not profess to have exclusive ownership of the Truth or even many truths.

Readers will indulge me when I decide to post things like this.


Jay said...

Readers will not watch this blog degrade into an outlet for me to channel all of my middle class white boy anxiety.

Does that mean that I should stop reading, or that you'll stop being an angsty middle class white boy? ;-)

freelancer said...

Hmmm. I don't know. Haha.