Monday, January 26, 2009


Forgiveness. I like to think I do a good job of forgiving others. Of course, it's impossible to offer an objective assessment of how I do. Nevertheless, I am a big advocate of the "f" word.

I was not always much of a forgiver. In the past I didn't forgive easily because I thought it was a sign of weakness. Those who forgive quickly allow themselves to be walked all over, used and abused. I had a tendency to hold on to grudges and allowed bitterness to grow within me. Recently I was talking to a couple of good friends and I was reminded of how I had been "wronged" by someone. I had actually forgotten about the incident but for a moment was filled with righteous indignation. "That's right! He did do that! I was so angry!" In this moment my old mentality returned. I wanted to hang on to the anger.

Thankfully it passed as I realized there was no need to hold the grudge. Also, the friend I was talking to on the phone was someone I have had occasion to forgive countless times. Yet, she wasn't on the phone reminding me of the trespasses she had committed against me. Of course, she has forgiven me for an equal if not greater number of trespasses throughout our friendship.

I don't know if anyone out there has the mentality that forgiveness equals weakness. If you do I would ask you to reconsider. While it may seem that you are always the forgiver, you are forgiven a lot more than you realize.


Brendon said...

Forgiving others is something that's always been hard for me. I think I tend to hold a grudge much more often than I should. I'm not sure I'd say forgiving is a sign of weakness. In fact, I'd say it makes us stronger. Forgiving allows us to let go of bad feelings or wrongs that otherwise we'd let tear us down. And that really would make us weak. Having said that, it can be awfully hard to forgive sometimes. It's hard to let go of hurts others have caused us. But that really is what's best for us to do.

freelancer said...

I definitely don't consider it a sign of weakness. However, this does not make it any easier.