Sunday, July 27, 2008


I am aware that I have been posting a lot lately and that the rapid pace does not leave you enough time to comment about my witty observations and deep thoughts. I suppose I can live without the validation created by blog comments.

Earlier this week a friend decided a group of us should go to the drive-in. What a splendid idea! It's a double feature and will be just like the good ole' days. WRONG! I was eaten alive by mosquitoes (I forgot the bug spray). As I killed one that was lingering in the car, the napkin I used was covered in blood! I had 25+ bites. Additionally, it was 90 degrees and extraordinarily humid. Needless to say we did not stay for the second feature. Lets hope I don't have West Nile.

The purge has stalled somewhat, but I do have a load of shoes to get rid of. I plan on attacking my dresser and bookshelf in the near future. I also need to decommission my shoebox filing system. It is woefully inadequate.

I have been working to simply my life in other ways besides the purge. I am attempting to buy less crap (as you know) and it's working out okay. I still have a long way to go. My book buying fast is holding strong and I have decided not to renew any of my magazine subscriptions besides Time. I no longer feel compelled to keep up with Business Week and The Economist. Also, I have realized I get entirely too much e-mail and have decided to start unsubscribing from all the lists I am on. Why on earth do I get weekly e-mail updates from PETA, Toys R Us, Papa John's, and Dominoes anyway?

My car is going to be in the shop this week and some of next. When she is done, she will be Rhonda 2.0. Expect a post about this to come.

Well, I should really get to bed. Good night.

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