Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing Much To Say (2)

I will spare you another long-winded post. Instead I will just give you some highlights of random happenings in my life.

- My mother friended me on Facebook. What is this world coming to? I mean, seriously? Apparently one of her friends invited her to join and she wants to keep up with my brother's adventures abroad (he is chronicling via Facebook). I accepted, but not before telling her it was not a decision I made easily, haha.

- I have a really weird tightness in my chest. I hope it's not a medical condition. It may be stress from a lot of random stuff on my mind, but I don't feel stressed. I hope it goes away soon. I have only had chest pain once before and that was during the busiest time of my college career when I was trying to plan a major event.

- My OT class wrapped up tonight. Maybe that's where all the tension is coming from. I enjoy the class, but always feel uptight because I perceive everyone there is very "anti-gay". However, I am probably making this up. Still, the leader did mention that we need to be in prayer for the nation based on the recent court rulings about marriage. However, this same leader did not mention homosexuality at all when we covered Sodom and Gomorrah, so that made me happy. FYI, I still don't really know how I feel about "gay marriage". I know I don't think the government should even be marrying people. There needs to be a civil marriage system put in place. I may go into more details later.

- I am desperately behind in my "to do" list. I have a lot of letters and a few e-mails to write in addition to a lot of cleaning.

- The bible and I are back on good terms. I really do love it and find it an excellent read.

- I have late, late onset buyer's remorse for all of the things I have charged over the past 6 months. It will take at least 3 months to pay off all my credit card debt. I am sad.

Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mate, get that chest pain checked out! "Hoping" it will go away is just a way of being in denial.

You and the Bible got back on good terms almost too quickly for me to believe it. What happened?

Freeze the credit cards. Literally. Put them in water in a container in your freezer. Then you really have time to think about whether it's necessary to purchase THAT particular item on credit.

God bless!