Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Coming Out

Let me start with a few random things.

1.  My room is a disaster.  It is always a disaster.  "Clean Room" is always on my list of things to do.  

2.  I always have to go to the drycleaners, always!  It may just become my least favorite chore.

3.  I love lists!  

Today I came out to my best friend at work.  I have been meaning to do it for a couple of months, but have been putting it off.  I feel it was extremely necessary because our conversations are not limited to flow charts and SOX.  We talk about life, love, relationships, the future, and a bunch of other stuff.  I had to tell her.  She has no problem with it and I was not concerned about her having one.  It was just nice to be honest.  I do find the types of conversations you have with non-Christians and Christians regarding being attracted to the same sex are VERY different.  Non-Christian friends are much easier to talk to because the stress is so much less.

Anyway, the point of me even mentioning this is that it is still an odd experience.  I hate having to tell someone I am gay because I am still not okay with that label.  However, I don't want to go into some huge discussion outlining my beliefs on the subject.  I just made sure to mention that I would not be lowering my standards when it comes to finding a future mate.  We have both had extensive discussions about relationships before.  Also, she was a bit hurt that I had waited so long to tell her.  However, I did not come out to everyone until just a few months ago.  Honestly, I would say the majority of my friends still don't know.  It's not like it comes up in conversation.

My mother doesn't see why it is necessary to tell anyone. Of course, I don't take her advice.  Honesty (generally) is the best policy.  Plus, I hate always having to pretend that I am interested in girls, etc.  Hopefully she will come around soon.  I don't really know though.  I am pretty sure that all of my immediate family views homosexual sex as sinful.  Of course, my mother also thinks homosexuailty is NOT a choice and that there has got to be at genetic component.  At least we have a good foundation to work from, haha.

I do hope life is going well for all of you.  


The Blogger said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. I find what you said about coming out to be true of me as well.

It's always a bit awkward because it always seems to be a bit of a forced conversation. I mean, most people don't stop their friends and say, "btw...I'm straight!"

Unknown said...

Hello. My name is Edgar and I'm an editor at OpposingViews.com, the debate website. Since we both cover gay rights and homosexuality, I thought I'd drop you a note. I would've e-mailed you but I couldn't find an address.
See, we're currently having a discussion about whether or not homosexuality is a sin. You can see it here:
Although vetted experts are the ones doing the debating, anyone can contribute by choosing a side and posting comments about the experts' arguments.
Check it out and, if you have the time, send me your thoughts via e-mail at eacosta@opposingviews.com.