Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I feel like I attempt to be an honest person. This does not mean sharing my opinion or beliefs whenever I want, or "keeping it real" at the expense of others. It means striving for authenticity; being honest with yourself and those you have close friendships with. Still, I find it difficult. How honest should I be? How much of what I am thinking should I really reveal?

A couple of weeks ago a friend and I were discussing the church we both attend. I am a member, but wrestle with whether or not this was a mistake (more to come). Anyhow, we were talking about how it seemed difficult to really get to know anyone at the church. I mentioned another local church I had attended and how they had nametags at the front door. I thought it was a good idea that fostered community. A little later into the conversation the girl said "'Church XXX'...just so you know, it's not really biblically sound and it's a little universalist".

At that moment, I wanted to say "I'm not biblically sound!" I also wanted to mention how I was attracted to guys and this was the primary reason I am uncomfortable at our current church (due to their firm anti-gay stance). I also wanted to mention how I was not really a believer in the notion of hell most often portrayed in evangelical circles (another thing preached at this church). However, I withheld all of this information. We did proceed to talk about the origin of scripture and she laughed at how many people seem to think Jesus FedExed the Bible to humanity in King James English.

Was this the appropriate level of the honesty? I feel like it was. Nevertheless, I do wish I was more up front about the fact I am attracted to guys. There are countless people who still don't know, some who suspect, some in denial, and some clueless. For honesty's sake, there are several reasons I am still not "out". First, moral superiority has always played a major part of my life. While I intellectually understand how stupid this was, emotionally I don't want to give it up. Second, whenever I talk about the fact I am attracted to guys, the old dream of a wife and kids and my midtown home seems to drift further away. I will not lie and say that I am 100% okay with this attraction. I am not so much wrestling with theological issues surrounding it as much I am about the social implications. I still value the opinion of others far too much and seek man's approval. Also, I have a very conservative sexual ethic which stands in stark contrast to a lot of the guys that are out. Third, by coming out fully I would encourage others to come out as well (this was part of my coming out process). However, I am unsure whether I want to force other guys/gals into the same period of questioning and confusion when it comes to merging intellect, faith, and sexuality. There are several guys that I am sure are closeted, and most of them would be dateable due to our similar ethics and moral standards. However, I am nowhere near so selfish as too encourage them out of the closet so I could find a man. Also, it frustrates me that the morals and ethics I value so much are part of churches I have a hard time relating too.

P.S. The girl I was talking to is absolutely AMAZING and I do not want to give any impression that she is naive, bigoted, or any such thing. Just FYI.


JJ said...

Yeah, that honessty thing is an issue for me. I had an odd incident last night where I was about to come out to someone -- like, literally, mouth-open, words-ready -- and someone knocked on the door... really loudly. Totally took the wind out of my sails. I'm still wanting to, I hate feeling like I'm lying to my friends, but I kind of don't want to do it out of the blue.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly my struggle! There are so many people who really just do not know about me. I have told several, but there are countless others to whom I have not said anything. I want to be consistently honest, but it is so hard for me to do that. I worry about other peoples' opinions, about whether or not I will be misunderstood, etc.

The funny thing is, I imagine that most people would respond fairly favourably, even at my overly-evangelical university. In fact, I have begun coming out to more people lately, but it's still a slow process. I still often find myself even hiding the truth from those who I think would be scandalized by the knowledge (even though I'm not doing anything that should cause scandal). Ah well, c'est la vie. Know that you are not the only one facing these struggles!