Monday, October 20, 2008


I have been working on "being". By this I mean being a man of action. Knowing what I need to do and actually doing it. This has led me to cut back on television, up my reading, be better about cleaning the apartment, and limit my Facebook usage. I find I waste ENTIRELY too much time on the internet. This is time I could be spending interacting with people.

I am continuing to clear out my draft posts. I have love, humility, faith, and heresy coming up. Be excited!

This post will be concluded by some non-serious thoughts.

How come I can't get hit on by cute, intelligent, moral, funny guys with integrity? I seem to attract creepy old men and promiscuous "shady gays". I got a haircut tonight and the guy cutting my hair was definitely intrusive with his questions and touched me a bit inappropriately. It was completely disturbing! I should have left as soon as I saw him working, but I didn't. It is just time to find a new haircut place.

Why do people think it is okay to compare homosexuality with alcoholism?

How come nobody does any research when it comes to politics or anything else that matters. I get made at Democrats and Republicans who refuse to see the other side of any issue and are woefully ignorant of their candidates stance on things. Abortion and gay rights seem to trump much more important issues like THE ECONOMY (this is true for Democrats and Republicans, my gay roommate seems to think Obama's stance on gay rights is the only reason he should vote for him). Still, I don't see anybody reading up on their candidates plans for NAFTA or working to understand which policies are best when it comes to international trade. People love ignorance, it is comfortable.

Pride is so dangerous. I try so hard to not be full of myself, but when I observe the absolute ignorance around me it is hard not to become smug about my own "sophistication" even though I am terribly ignorant myself.

I love spending time with people who lived through the civil rights movement and have stories to tell. It is even more interesting when they marched with MLK before his assassination during the sanitation strikes in my city.

This weather is amazing.

I am blessed. I have been given more than I could ever, ever ask for. I MUST continue to realize that everything I have is on loan and that tomorrow is not guaranteed. I pray for perspective and an ability to get over myself when narcissism sets in.

The thought of sweater shopping delights me!

The Macaroni Grill is tasty.


Jay said...

I love spending time with people who lived through the civil rights movement and have stories to tell. It is even more interesting when they marched with MLK before his assassination during the sanitation strikes in my city.

My mother was one. She saw MLK give his "I Have a Dream" speech, and I believed she marched a few more times on Washington as well. I love hearing her stories. It kind of makes my mom cool. :)

freelancer said...

That does make her cool! From what you have already said about your parents I am pretty sure they are awesome.