Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Know I Should Be Writing a Paper, But...


I still find myself composing blog posts in my head. I really should start writing them out on paper. I have misplaced the list of topics I wanted to discuss. I am sure it will resurface when I organize my desk.

It is cold here! There is a chance of flurries tonight. If you knew where I lived you would realize that this is absurd! I am in the South, firmly secure in the bible-belt.

I have felt convicted lately. I have squandered an unbelievable amount of money throughout my college years. I was putting it together in my head, and the sum is $50,000. Can you believe that? I know a good portion of that amount was for living expenses, but most of the rest went to eating out, buying clothes, and purchasing other unnecessary items. I do tithe and give to charity, but I could be doing so much more. My selfishness is limitless. Living in Babylon is so easy!

This led me to ponder the future. I have an amazing job lined up after school and they made me a ridiculous initial offer (especially for where I live). It is very likely that I will make six figures by the time I turn 30. While many people are quick to say that this a blessing from God, I am not sure that you can automatically assume that. While I will not deny that I am fortunate and I do thank God for his provision, the abundance is very dangerous. It can lead to temptation. Temptation to forget you need God, but also temptation to drown yourself in material things and forget your true purpose for being. It is not for that Infiniti G37 and kick-ass downtown loft. I am here to serve, and love, and share the blessings and gifts in my life with those around me. Still, the culture of ME, ME, ME, is insanely difficult to counter.

I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I am in great danger of becoming too comfortable.

In other news, school is almost over! I have some big assignments ahead, but it will all get done.

I guess this is a good time to further introduce myself. I am was born in California, but have lived all over the country. I love to travel and have been to numerous countries including China, Ecuador, and England. 30 Rock is my favorite show on tv right now, but Arrested Development is my all-time favorite. I enjoy reading books and eating cookies. If these are done at the same time it is even better. Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies are my favorite and I once ate so many (30+) that I made myself sick (this was in college). Surprisingly, I am thin and average height (5'9 or 5'10ish). I would like to be a couple of inches taller, but I work with what I've got. That's enough for now.

1 comment:

MR said...

Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matt 13:44-46.

When you realize how valuable and amazingly pleasurable God and his kingdom really are, you will be GLAD to drop everything else for His sake. He is that good! Nothing else compares!

Money and possessions are gifts from God. Don't feel guilty about receiving the gifts, just use them rightly. Give to the poor and to the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Don't keep it for yourself.